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Where and how do Ukrainian women abroad work?

Modern Ukraine is now experiencing a transformation of a social, political, and economical system. Such processes are never easy. In the time of changes the least defended social groups usually suffer. These are women, children, old people.
Low living standards and a high level of unemployment among women make them search for work outside their state. There is no wonder that according to the data of research of International Organization on Migration held in focus groups it turned out that 80% of polled women had a wish to work abroad. Unfortunately, in European and other developed countries a sphere of legal and illegal sex industry is the most accessible for Ukrainian girls. 

Alexandra from Lugansk   Karolina from Lviv   Viktoriya from Dnepropetrovsk

According to specialists’ estimated total now a total number of Ukrainians working abroad is about 6-7 millions of people. Consequently, every fifth citizen of full age or 20% from the total number works abroad. It is considered by the global norm that this number makes 3% of employable population.
At the same time 2,5 millions of Ukrainians working abroad have a higher education. However, they are employed not according to their profession, and they often do a messy job. For the moment one third of scientists have left the country.
There are many women of reproductive age of 25 to 45 who left their country. It became a reason for a sharp birth rate recession in Ukraine. In fact, about 70% of polled girls who had finished school are sure that there are no perspectives for them in Ukraine and every third of them has a wish to emigrate at the earliest opportunity.

Taya from Odessa   Marina from Bila Tserkva   Liza from Lugansk

The nearest and the most popular place of work for Ukrainian women is Poland, which has not long ago opened its labor-market for citizens of Ukraine and now they can be employed at seasonal works without a special allowance.
In Czech Republic the number of Ukrainians is variously estimated at from 150 to 300 thousands. Half of them are women. Girls from Ukraine take up any work: as shopkeepers, they mow lawns or clean, take care of children, work in agricultural sector. As well as in Poland, in Czech Republic work is offered to young girls – as waiters and cooks. Besides, Czech Republic’s clinics are ready to accept female doctors of various specialties.
According to the statistics, about 150 thousands of Ukrainians work in Portugal, about 60 thousands of them are women. Amount of finance earned by Ukrainian citizens in Portugal per year reach 1 billion US dollars. Ukrainians work mostly as builders as well as in agricultural sector. In Spain there are more than 50 000 Ukrainians who are legal. The majority of them are young women.

Olena from Kharkov   Anna from Kharkov   Mariya from Zaporozhye

In Spain work more than 600 thousands of Ukrainian illegal residents. These Spanish data is approved by Ukrainian ombudsmen and representatives of Ukrainian diaspora.
In Italy, as well as in Great Britain and Germany mostly women from Western Ukraine work. They take care of children, old and sick people. Female programmers, doctors and businesswomen from Ukraine come to live and work to the USA more and more often.
According to recruiting agencies of Ukraine and Kiev, Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Portugal, Norway, the USA, Canada, Italy, Turkey, Great Britain are in the top-10 of the countries where Ukrainian women are most of all welcome to come to work.