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What should one know, do, and not do to live happily with a Ukrainian wife.

1. It’s true that Russian women look for men who are older than they are for their maturity level to coincide. In Russia you may see many couples with age difference of 5-10 years. If it is about a foreigner, the age difference may be much bigger, depending on one’s maturity and material state. However, be a realist and evaluate not just with your eyes. One shouldn’t start a relationship with a too young 18-year-old girl (18-year-old.html) if you are older than 30. However, such age differences can make sense, but a chance to keep a marriage will decrease exponentially with each year.

2. While communicating, show your respect, be courteous and honest. Women in Russia and Ukraine are realists who have their aims and they are able to take decisions to achieve them.

3. Ukrainian women live in a big European country and they are proud of their heritage. Surely, they may criticize some aspects of their country, but never say anything bad about Ukraine. It will be taken quite negatively.

Vika from Sumy   Katya from Odessa   Lydmila from Nikolaev

4. In connection with cultural and historical traditions, Ukrainian women see a man as the head of the family. But don’t flatter yourself, they are not submissive, quite the opposite. They want to participate in taking decisions and they are quite good advisers. A Russian proverb says – ‘A man is the head and a woman is the neck, the head looks in the same direction the neck turns’.

5. Don’t say anything bad about your former wife. In general, try to avoid negative sides and focus on positive ones. Talk abut yourself, your hobbies, work, family, friends, and ask her about the same things. Remember the old proverb – ‘God gave us two ears and one mouth’. In other words, it’s not less important to hear, even more important than to speak.

Elena from Mariupol   Katryn from Chernivtsy   Anna from Donetsk

6. Don’t try to win the heart of your woman with love confessions in letters – you will be understood incorrectly. Remember that love can be felt only face to face.

7. In Ukraine there is a great number of rich men. And also a great number of men who abuse alcohol. Don’t try to impress a Ukrainian woman with photos of your car, yacht or anything else. Also avoid showing photos of a party where you were drinking much.

8. Don’t take up questions of personal and sexual character. Brides from Ukraine are quite shy in such questions, especially in the beginning of relations. One shouldn’t forget about it while corresponding through the internet. After personal dates and starting of relationships they become more open and everything normalizes.

Anna from Odessa   Marina from Odessa   Natalya from Kharkov

9. Don’t try to penetrate to every question and mysteries of her past. Focus on the present and the future. Tell her that you are not a man who is communicating through the internet only, and tell her that you are planning to see her in the near future. It will differentiate you from others and attract her attention. Surely, you should keep your word and it’s not good to give empty promises.

10. Tell her about your country and what you are planning to do to make the process of her adaptation there easier. Tell her about means for that and that she will have an opportunity to take language lessons in a group or with a personal teacher.

Naturally, these tips are just a drop in the bucket. Everyone goes their own way and will achieve one’s aim using various means. However, these tips will in some sense increase your chances to find and marry a charming Ukrainian woman.